Archive internal news

All stories that have been tagged with Service info

Carpooling - On the road together

  • tips and tricks
  • Service info

Sanctions search engine for ETH Zurich

  • Service info
  • Internal news

No changes to the coronavirus master plan

Another virtual end to the year – including Christmas magic

Turn of the year 2021/2022

Service info

More colour for the web content

  • Service info
  • Internal news

The Workshop Platform now assists with design and development

Service info

Do we need flexible workplaces at ETH?

  • life
  • Internal news
  • In person

Women in science – Female pioneers at ETH Zurich

Service info

中国足球彩票 Info in its 5th year as central contact point

Service info

Do we need to adopt a more informal culture at ETH?

  • life
  • Internal news
  • In person

Cyberattack alert

Internal news

Important changes to procurement law

Internal news

Print orders now distributed free of charge in Switzerland

Service info

Should there be a first-name culture across the board at ETH?

Internal news

Antimicrobial masks now available at ETH Store

Internal news

ETH Zurich closes university buildings – in-person exams will go ahead

  • The Executive Board reports
  • Internal news

The Zukunftsblog is opening up

Internal news

#moveETH: exercise your way out of the corona rut

Turn of the year 2020/2021

Service info

New building opening hours

Internal news

Workspaces of the future appear in Oerlikon

Development of the university district from the Polyterrasse to the Gloriapark

Zoom helps us keep in touch

  • Service info
  • Internal news

It’s time to write a card!

Service info

Paradigm shift in the new procurement law

Internal news

ETH Store expands its selection

  • Internal news
  • life

Finding your way through difficult situations

  • life
  • Internal news

Paving the way for trustworthy artificial intelligence

New service for ETH Zurich students

Have your say in shaping ETH’s values

rETHink Blog

Who has the best leader at ETH?

Investigation into suspected scientific misconduct has been concluded

Service info

From coronavirus to robot judges: insights into the world of computers

Service info

"In the end, it was always fun"

Internal news

Influenza vaccination for ETH members

  • Service info
  • Internal news

“We mustn’t stop in our tracks”

Internal news

Covid-19 cases at ETH

Service info

Quick and easy event approval thanks to new tool

Internal news

Sustainable mobility on campus: the ETH Link is going electric

  • Service info
  • Internal news

Corona measures: What the ETH community is concerned about

  • Service info
  • Internal news

Compulsory facemasks in lectures

Internal news

Time limits for events and ban on catered events indoors

Internal news

"It's all about minimising risk"

Internal news

"Good preparation is essential for success"

Internal news

"Facemasks and physical distancing are key"

Internal news

A spectacular initiative

Keeping a careful eye on exports

Flying less gets a thumbs-up

Service info

All locations of the ETH Library are reopening

Internal news

Calling all cinema lovers: you can now stream the AVA Home Library

Internal news

Challenging times: session exams in the coronavirus era

Executive Board update 2020/4

The Executive Board reports

Zoom can be used until the end of the year

Masks compulsory on ETH Link from 6 July

“We have to remain vigilant”

Service info

Pilot users: how to continue using the SwissCovid app

Service info

On location? Virtual? Shared whiteboards and the like?

Service info

Executive Board update 2020 / 3

The Executive Board reports

The ETH nomad

A practical tool for citizen science and coronavirus research

Service info

Access to extended content in Elsevier journals

  • Service info
  • Internal news

“I miss the energy of the students”

  • Service info
  • Internal news

Checking in on our professors

Service info

Back to university: the use of surgical masks at ETH Zurich

Service info

All of a sudden, the campus was empty

Internal news

On route to the new normal

  • The Executive Board reports
  • Internal news

Safety signage for emergency operation

“I consider solidarity work a privilege.”

  • Service info
  • Internal news

ETH returns to “normal" operations in three stages

  • The Executive Board reports
  • Internal news

?We have to do something!?

"We feel a bit lonely"

Executive Board to make an announcement on 24 April on the phasing out of emergency operations

Forewarned is forearmed

Zoom under fire – ETH’s response

Executive Board update 2020 / 2

The Executive Board reports

Working hours, holidays and childcare during emergency operations

The Executive Board reports

Planned holidays are to be taken

Service info

“I tip my hat to everyone at ETH”

Covid-19 research: Call for proposals

Service info

Guidelines for a satisfying and productive work from home

Service info

Tips for working from home

Service info

“Online teaching requires new didactic concepts”

Internal news

Getting help or support

Research at ETH during emergency operations

Update on working arrangements during emergency operation

ETH campus during emergency operation

New newsletter for internal news and coronavirus updates

Virtual town hall meeting: solidarity in emergency mode

ETH closed all buildings

Students support hospitals

Second confirmed case of coronavirus infection

First confirmed case of corona at ETH

Exhibition about the Anergy grid

Protect data from loss and theft, but securely

Update on the Cononavirus

rETHink is taking shape

The Executive Board reports

Information about the coronavirus

Service info

How can we fly less?

Executive Board update 2020/1

The Executive Board reports

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