Web and application hosting

Provides an infrastructure for managing subject-specific blogs for ETH members and organisational units.

More information about blog hosting

The collaborative LaTeX editor offers real-time collaboration by multiple authors on LaTex online documents.

More information about the collaborative LaTeX editor

Explore data with visual analyses, share work results using dashboards that allow to perform ad-hoc analyses with just a few clicks.

More information about data dashboard  

Filing system for the storage and presentation of images.

More information about gallery hosting

Select Survey is a web based which offers all the necessary features for the creation, execution and analysis of surveys and evaluations.

More information about online surveys

Operation of Linux-based web applications (as CGI). The User Services offer all ETH Zurich students the option of publishing a personal ETH website.

More information about personal websites

Redirects of the old URLs to the new URLs can be configured with the redirect management tool.

More information about the redirect management tool

SharePoint Online and OneDrive in Microsoft 365 are cloud-based services that support collaboration in project teams and departments.  

More information about SharePoint Online

The service automatically generates shortened URLs.

More information about URL shortener

Deploying Linux based web infrastructure (bundle) for dynamic websites.

More information about web hosting

Managing a wiki website on our centrally operated platform.

More information about wiki hosting

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