Threats, stalking and violence

ETH Zurich does not tolerate threats, stalking, violence or sexual assault. All members of ETH Zurich should feel safe and have the right to work and study in a violence-free environment.

Threats, stalking, violence, sexual assault, coercion or rape have serious consequences under ETH's personnel and disciplinary regulations.

How to act ...

Do you feel threatened at ETH Zurich or have you been the victim of an assault? Defend yourself! Here are some actions you can take:

  • Seek support.
    Contact the Safety, Security, Health and Environment unit to have a member of the Threat Management Team define possible measures with you.
  • Document the incidents.
    Record what happened, when it occurred, who was present, and the surrounding circumstances, as a means of preparing for the discussion with the Threat Management Team.
  • Inform your tutor.
    Speak to your professor or lecturer so they are aware of the situation and can support you.

ETH Zurich is committed to a culture of looking out for each other. All members are encouraged to actively oppose discriminatory behaviour. Here are some actions you can take if you observe discriminatory behaviour:

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