Information for Biosafety Officers (BSO)

As an employee, you will support your employer in implementing accident prevention and health protection provisions.
You will follow the approved safety rules and instructions of your employer in relation to occupational safety and health protection and report any deficits that could impair occupational safety and health protection.

As a biosafety officer, you support your superiors in implementing biosafety within your research group.

Find out what this task entails here.


You can find general information on biosafety at ETH Zurich here.


If you, as a BSO, leave ETH Zurich, you must report your leaving date and further details, including the successor BSO’s contact information, via e-mail to . In addition, you must change the BSO in your ECOGEN notifications.

Members of ETH Zurich are sometimes exposed to particular risks of infection or contagion in the course of their research work, during field trials or on excursions, which can be reduced by a call_made or the call_made.

One of the special vaccinations for which information is most frequently sought is the vaccination against tick-borne disease: information on tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and the vaccination itself can be obtained from the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) call_made.


If required, the call_made offers courses for training the biosafety officers.

In addition, the BSOs must attend the relevant annual ETH-internal seminars.

Further courses and skills must/can be attended or acquired, dependent on the work area:

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