Governance and regulations


Principles of financial governance

  1. Autonomy goes hand in hand with responsibility, flexibility goes hand in hand with planning.
  2. Academic departments manage their resources self-dependently.
  3. Academic units are granted more flexibility in favour of teaching and research. Service units (service departments, staffs, extra-departmental teaching and research facilities) are managed on a business management basis.
  4. Financial resources have to be managed integrally and actively to support teaching and research.
  5. Infrastructure und risk management are a task of central units and of academic departments.

Levels of financial conduct

Enlarged view: Graded responsability

Tasks, competencies und responsability are graded throughout ETH Zurich.


The chapter "Finance" of the Compliance homepage describes the basic rules of financial compliance.

The Financial Regulations govern the financial processes, responsibilities and competences.Link to the Financial Regulations

The Regulations concerning Business Expenses apply to professional expenses incurred in connection with business trips or hosting of guests. Link to the Regulations concerning Business Expenses

Further regulations

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