Maternity protection

Workplace health risk assessment

During pregnancy, you and your baby have the right to special health protection. Therefore, as soon as you are aware that you are pregnant, get in touch with the Safety, Security, Health and Environment (SSHE) department so it can promptly arrange a risk assessment of your workplace. The purpose of a risk assessment is to eliminate any health risks to mother and baby through suitable protective measures. The risk assessment may also be carried out confidentially upon request.

Health risks to mother and baby

The SSHE call_made published by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO.

Working hours for pregnant and breastfeeding women

A pregnant employee must not be obliged to work overtime. Daily working time must not exceed nine hours under any circumstances.

Prohibition of employment after the birth

Mothers are not permitted to return to work for the first eight weeks after the birth of their child. They must give their express consent if they wish to return to work between the ninth and 16th week.

The SSHE department organises regular information events on the topic of maternity protection.

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