Previous Winners since 2017


The winner of the 2023 ALEA Award is Thomas Meierhans, manager of the metal workshop in the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering. 

The two other finalists are Lavinia Heisenberg from the Department of Physics and Mark Tibbitt from the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering.


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ALEA Award 2023 – Thomas Meierhans (Video: ETH Zurich)
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ALEA Award 2023 – Lavinia Heisenberg (Video: ETH Zurich)
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ALEA Award 2023 – Mark Tibbitt (Video: ETH Zurich)


The winners in 2021 are Prof. Isabel Günther, Prof. Andreas Hierlemann and Prof. Torbj?rn Netland. Congratulations!

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ALEA Award 2021 - Prof. Isabel Günther (Winner)
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ALEA Award 2021 - Prof. Andreas Hierlemann (runner-up)
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ALEA Award 2021 - Prof. Torbj?rn Netland (runner-up)


The winners in 2020 are Ulrike Kutay, Heini Wernli and Oliver Renn. Congratulations!

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ALEA Award 2020 - Ulrike Kutay
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ALEA Award 2020 - Oliver Renn
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ALEA Award 2020 - Heini Wernli


Three women were the finalists for the ALEA Award
Out of a total of 43 nominees for the first time three women were the finalists for the ALEA Award in 2019: Ursula Müller, head of the ETH library (ETH Zentrum), Consuelo de Moraes, Professor at the Department of Environmental Systems Science, and Gabi Hug, Professor at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering. Gabi Hug won the award for exemplary leadership

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ALEA Award 2019 - Gabriela Hug
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ALEA Award 2019 - Ursula Müller
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ALEA Award 2019 - Consuelo De Moraes


At the togETHer staff party 2018, Laura Nystr?m, Professor at the Institute of Food, Nutrition and Health, was presented with the ALEA Award as ETH Zurich’s most exemplary leader. In addition to Laura Nystr?m, two other personalities from 46 nominated ETH Zurich leaders made it into the final: Adrienne Grêt-?Regamey, Professor at the Chair of Planning Landscape and Urban Systems, and Klaas Stephan, Professor of Translational Neuromodelling.

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ALEA Award 2018 - Laura Nystr?m
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ALEA Award 2018 - Klaas Stephan
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ALEA Award 2018 - Adrienne Grêt-?Regamey


Renato Renner, ETH Professor for Theoretical Physics and head of the research group for Quantum Information Theory at the Department of Physics, has won the first ALEA Award of ETH Zurich.

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ALEA Award 2017 - Renato Renner
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