As ETH Diversity, we promote the visibility and recognition of gender and sexual diversity. Here you can find helpful information for LGBTQIA+ communities and people.

Progress Pride flag on the main building of ETH Zurich

Values of ETH Diversity

Gender diversity is a social reality. This also applies to colleges and universities. With our work, we want to make students and staff feel welcome at ETH Zurich, to bring their whole selves to the university in order to develop their full potential. We see it as our task to help improve the framework conditions for trans, inter and non-binary persons, for example, both in formal administrative procedures and in daily interaction with each other at the university. We want to facilitate a discrimination-free campus life and reflect the diversity of ETH members in teaching and research.

We are happy to receive requests and concerns and look forward to an exchange with the community.

The acronym LGBTQIA+ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Agender/Asexual/Aromantic and everyone who feels part of the queer community. 

Gender neutral toilets and showers

Direction signs for genderneutral toilets and showers
Direction signs for genderneutral toilets and showers

In Switzerland and at ETH, everyone is permitted to use the toilets that correspond with their gender identity. If you prefer gender-neutral toilets, please find a detailed list below. The premises are now equipped with corresponding door signs (see left).

If not marked explicitly, rooms are wheelchair-accessible.

ETH Centre

ETH H?nggerberg

ETH External stations AO

ETH Basel

This list will be continually expanded. If you discover a gender-neutral toilet that is not enlistet here, please .

In Switzerland and at ETH, everyone is permitted to use the cloakrooms and showers that correspond with their gender identity. If you prefer gender-neutral showers/cloakrooms, please find a detailed list below. The premises are now equipped with corresponding door signs (see left). For changing rooms, external pageASVZ offers to seek a costumised solution.

Unless otherwise indicated, the rooms are wheelchair accessible.

ETH Centre

ETH H?nggerberg

ETH External stations AO

ETH Basel

This list will be continually expanded. If you discover a gender-neutral shower/cloakroom that is not enlistet here, please .

Changing name and/or salutation at ETH Zurich

Students, employees and trainees/interns can also change their name and/or salutation within ETH without an official name change. Omission of salutation or a third, non-binary option are currently not available.

The amendments concern all documents that ETH issues, such as ETH card, general correspondence, transcript of records and diplomas. You will find detailed information in the directive Downloadtrans people (PDF, 83 KB) issued by the executive board.

Students can find further information on the student portal, e.g. the Downloadapplication form (PDF, 97 KB). For questions and adjustments regarding the ETH card and diplomas as well as coordination with IT services, the Registrar's Office is responsible and happy to help.

Here is some information regarding diplomas, ETH card and costs. Please always get in touch with the Registrar's Office since they are the most up to date with legal changes.

  • Ideally, students should contact the Registrar's Office before applying for a Bachelor's/Master's degree, so that the degree documents can then be issued as requested.
  • If graduation documents have already been issued, they must be returned so that the adjusted version can be subsequently issued again free of charge. It should be noted that these adjustments are made as long as the person is enrolled at ETH.
  • In principle, however, no new original graduation documents will be issued after the person has left ETH. However, it is then possible to order corrected, certified copies.
  • A new ETH card will be issued and delivered free of charge.

Students, employees and trainees/interns can also change their name and/or salutation within ETH without an official name change. Omission of salutation or a third, non-binary option are currently not available.

Employees address themselves to the responsible contact person of Human Resources instead of submitting a written request in order to discuss the job situation and further proceeding. Professionals of Personnel and Organisational Development advise employees on their job situation if required. Trainees can contact Vocational education and training.

Past Events during Hochschul-Pride Zürich (HOPZ)  


Der Verein external pageHochschul-Pride Zürich diskutiert mit Vertreter*innen von Zürcher Hochschulen über die aktuelle Situation der LGBTQIA+ Community an den verschiedenen Schulen. Das Panel ist offen für Fragen aus dem Publikum, weiterer Austausch ist am anschliessenden Apéro m?glich. external pageAnmeldung zum Event. Ort: ZHdK, Toniareal, Raum 5.K06.

Wie steht es um die Mental Health der queeren Community? Welche Fakten gibt es aus der Wissenschaft? Wie k?nnen wir einander als Community unterstützen? Diese Themen diskutieren wir unter der Leitung von Max Kranich am Panel, das wir gemeinsam mit der MeWell Community organisieren. Eingeladen sind: Dr. Tabea H?ssler, Trish Benvenutti, Chiara Bono. Mit external pageMeWell und external pageHochschul-Pride Zürich.

Speaking in front of people can be hard – speaking up even more so. In this workshop we discuss the ways being queer can influence how we feel taking up space. And we look at tricks how to make your voice heard in a world that needs more queer voices. Places are limited.This is an offer for ETH members identifying themselves as queer or part of the LGBTQIA+ or questioning.

LGBTQIA+ networks at ETH and external

ETH internal

Discord Channel LGBTQIA+ at ETH Zurich: Contact if you want to join the group (for exchange, activities or working groups). The group members communicate mainly in English. About once a month there is an informal lunch at the different ETH locations in Zurich and they communicate via discord.

Across universities in Zurich:

external pagePolyUniQue: LGBTQIA+ at universities of Zurich (former L-Punkt, z&h and queer*z). PolyUniQue hosts regular meetings and dinners for various student and alumnx groups from Zurich universities.

external pageAsexuelles Spektrum Schweiz: Organization for people on the asexual and aromantic spectrum.
external pageHAZ- Queer Zürich: One of the largest LGBTQIA+ organizations in Switzerland, working against discrimination based on sexual or gender identity.
external Swiss contact point for Intersex people.
external pageLOS: Lesbian Organization Switzerland, umbrella organization for lesbians, bisexual and queer women in Switzerland.
external pageMilchjugend: Youth organization for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, inter and asexual adolescents.
external pagePink Cross: Swiss umbrella organisation for homosexual and bisexual men.
external pageQueerAmnesty: Theme group within Amnesty International working on issues related to human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity.
external pageQueerMigs: English Language Queer Discussion Group.
external pageRegenbogenfamilien: Umbrella organization for rainbow families in Switzerland.
external pageTGNS: Transgender Network Switzerland: Swiss organization by and for trans people.

Code of Conduct and Contact Points of ETH Zurich

Discrimination against individuals on the basis of actual, ascribed or group-specific characteristics such as lifestyle, sexual orientation and gender identity are explicitly mentioned in the ETH Zurich DownloadCode of Conduct (PDF, 477 KB) and will not be tolerated. In the event of discrimination, harassment or conflicts, please contact the contact and advice centers, which offer professional support to all employees and students of ETH Zurich.


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