National and International Networks

ETH Diversity is engaged in national and international networks of institutions to promote equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion.

  • Equal Opportunities Working Group of the ETH Domain - The association of delegates for equal opportunities from ETHZ, EPFL, PSI, WSL, EMPA and EAWAG. Its goal is to firmly embed equal opportunities in all ETH areas. The working group introduced the career support program "external pageFix-the-Leaky-Pipeline" for female scientist from the ETH Domain and is continuously improving it.
  • external pageSwiss Universities – is committed to extending and further developing the cooperation among Swiss universities and supports a unified voice of the Swiss higher education area. In addition, Swiss Universities takes care of coordination tasks and acts on an international level as national Rectors' Conference for the entirety of Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences and colleges of education.
  • external pageIDEAS Inclusion, Diversity and Equality Association of Swiss Universities. IDEAS is the association of the equal-opportunities delegates of the ten Swiss Universities and the two national technical universities, based in Bern.
  • Gender and Science Policy Working Group – This Switzerland-wide working group coordinates and develops projects for the promotion of equal opportunities and gender studies. It is represented by the members of IDEAS, the Rector’s Conference of the Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences, the Swiss National Science Foundation, the State Secretariat for Education and Research, Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology, the Federal and Cantonal Offices for Gender Equality, the Gender Studies Centers and the ETH Domain.
  • external pageIARU – International Association of Research Universities. ETH is member of IARU next to nine other prestigious international universities- Within IARU, a working group is occupied with questions regarding gender. The group meets every or every other year to compare the situation of women among the different universities, identify "best practice" measures and learn from each other. In the 2016 meeting, main topics will be the contents of a systematic survey on measures regarding gender at IARU universities, the analysis of goals and resources for measures regarding gender, as well as the analysis of success in exams of male and female students.
  • external pageIDEA League The Equality and Diversity working group coordinates joint projects for the promotion of equal opportunities at the IDEA League institutions (RWTH Aachen University, TU Delft, Chalmers and ETH Zurich).
  • external pageENHANCE ENHANCE is an alliance of ten European technical universities with a strong focus on innovation and research. ETH Zurich's participation in the ENHANCE+ project is supported by Movetia. Last year, a new Alliance project called ENHANCE+ was launched. The project is divided into 10 tasks, one of which is dedicated to the topics of diversity, impact and dissemination (referred to as work package 10, in which ETH Diversity is represented).
  • external pageLERU – The League of European Research Universities is committed to promoting basic research at European universities. ETH Diversity is part of the Policy Group Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI), which advances policy and practice on equality, diversity and inclusion for the benefit of all LERU member institutions, monitors equality processes, outlines mechanisms for structural change and advises national and EU institutions.
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