Service Centre of the Future (DLZ)

In launching the DLZ initiative, the VPIN division is pursuing its goal of developing a future-oriented, ETH-wide standardised concept for the design and operation of service counters.

Starting question

How can we offer the various on-site services of the ETH departments in a joint effort to meet the needs of the users, while at the same time creating synergies, optimising processes and taking into account the wishes of the departments and employees?

“Our DLZ project responds to the evolving needs of the ETH community. Together, we are setting the course for greater customer focus, efficiency and sustainability.”
Ulrich Weidmann, Vice President for Infrastructure

Working together across departments

In drawing up a blueprint for a service centre of the future, we are spanning divisional and departmental boundaries, and guided by the One VPIN mindset: personable, together and sustainable.

Participating units and project team

The project team is supported by the Steering Committee, which comprises the six VPIN departmental heads, the Vice President of Infrastructure and one representative each from Academic Services and the Vice Presidency of Finance and Controlling.


Project team members:

  • Academic Services: Sonja Blum, Francesca Broggi-Wüthrich, Andrea Rothenbühler, Marc Wermelinger
  • 中国足球彩票 Services: Miriam K?lin, Eva Skalamera
  • ETH Library: Ursula Müller, Isabelle Kuster
  • Facility Services: Christoph Schumann
  • Finance and Controlling: Michael Schlienger
  • Real Estate Management: Katja Kalkstein-Eggimann, Christine Steiner
  • IT Services: Thomas H?usermann, Mark Buschor
  • Safety, Security, Health and Environment: Annette Hofmann, Adrian Meier
  • Student Services: Regula Christen

Project management and sprint team

Heading the project are three external experts who, together with the project initiators, form the sprint team.

  • Claudia Widmann (Tjikko AG)
  • Frank Renold (unnamed company)
  • Renato Soldenhoff (unnamed company)
  • Stephanie Braunwalder (Project initiator, 中国足球彩票 Services)
  • Andreas Hofmann (Project initiator, Facility Services)

Procedure and project process

The project is made up of six modules, which are worked on in “sprints”. We are now tackling modules 2 and 3. This project phase will yield a vision and a concept for the service centre of the future.

Graphic representation of the iterative approach in the DLZ project
The project is managed in an iterative process.


DLZ project management

ETH Zurich

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