Supplementary gains

Any supplementary salary or additional scholarship must be reported to FCS and the reception service. Those gains might affect individual tax situations.

This depends on whether you have supplementary gains or not.

You have no supplementary gains

  • You will receive an email with the subject "Declaration of supplementary gains" which includes a Mobility-Online link. Click on that link to declare that you do not have supplementary gains.
  • You do not have to report anything to FCS.
  • Report any changes in your supplementary gains to FCS and the reception service.

You have supplementary gains

  • You will receive an email with the subject "Declaration of supplementary gains" which includes a Mobility-Online link. Click on that link to declare your supplementary gains.
  • Additionally, complete the following steps.
    1. external pageFill in and sign the FCS form "Supplementary gains"
    2. Copy or scan your signed work contract or proof of your additional scholarship (whichever is applicable)
    3. Send all the mentioned documents either...
      • via emails as one merged PDF file to the , or
      • via post mail to the reception service and FCS
        Secretariat of the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students
        International Grants Unit
        Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER
        State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI
        Higher Education Division
        Einsteinstrasse 2
        3003 Bern
  • Keep copies of all correspondence, including declaration forms and emails.
  • Report any changes in your supplementary gains to FCS and the reception service. You do not need to hand in the form "Supplementary gains" again.

Frage sbe

Gibt es Fristen für die Angabe via Mobon und ggf. Abgabe des Formulars etc.?

Contact persons

  • Administrative matters: Reception Service, Sandra Zweifel, , Tel +41 44 632 51 52
  • Academic matters: FCS Delegate, Prof. Stefano Bernasconi, , Tel +41 44 632 36 93

Quellen (bei Interesse)

  • "S:\AkD\Mobilitaet\Kommunikation\Auftr?ge_int\zws\SGES\Webseite\Quellen\01_LetterOfAcceptance_BSresEN.pdf - Verknüpfung.lnk" (kommentiert)
  • "S:\AkD\Mobilitaet\Kommunikation\Auftr?ge_int\zws\SGES\Webseite\Quellen\02_EndOfStay_BS_EN_05_2023.pdf - Verknüpfung.lnk" (kommentiert)
  • \\\id_sdl_zo_data\AkD\Mobilitaet\Kommunikation\Auftr?ge_int\zws\SGES\Mobon\Forschungsaufenthalt\231030_?bersicht-FA.docx
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