The perfect material of the future

The popular “Treffpunkt Science City” series started with an introduction into the fascinating properties of materials and the research on the material of the future.

The search for the perfect material has not just captured the imagination of researchers worldwide, but also the interest of the general public. The first “Erlebnissonntag” on 17 March 2019 was extremely popular, attracting over 3,400 visitors. The lectures on the topic of 4D printing and the nano-revolution attracted a great deal of interest. The video provides a brief insight into the topics, demonstrations and the buoyant mood around the H?nggerberg.

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(Video: Gabriela D'Hondt / ETH Zürich)

Treffpunkt Science City

The programme will contain lectures, experiments, workshops and discussions until 7 April.

The lectures from Treffpunkt-Sundays have been recorded and can be viewed again here.

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