ETH Zurich strengthens its social media presence

ETH Zurich steps up its activities on social media platforms and complements its existing channels with its first official appearance on Facebook and Google+.

Enlarged view: Symbol
ETH Zurich is now present on Facebook and Google+. (Illustration: Evelyn Graf / ETH Zurich)

One of ETH Zurich’s main objectives is to share its knowledge with the public, which is why it makes use of the momentum of social media and is already active on a number of social networks. It has an English and German news channel on Twitter, shares YouTube videos on research, teaching and technology transfer, and has company profiles on LinkedIn and Xing.

To extend its dialogue with the public and to reach even more people, quickly and directly, ETH Zurich is stepping up its social media presence with an official profile on Facebook and Google+. Until now, it was represented on these sites only by individual ETH departments or selected areas, such as the Zukunftsblog, the ETH Library, the FocusTerra museum and Treffpunkt Science City events.

Complementing the established ETH media

ETH Zurich’s new Facebook and Google+ pages feature useful facts and interesting insights into research, events, study information, teaching and impressions of campus life. ETH Zurich’s new profile is aimed at interested members of the public, future, present and former students, researchers and anyone else associated with ETH. In order to cater for its international audience, ETH Zurich maintains its Facebook and Google+ pages in both German and English.

Alongside the new social media, ETH Zurich is continuing to support its established communications media with articles for the press: ETH News reports daily on teaching, research and knowledge transfer at ETH Zurich. In the bilingual Zukunftsblog ETH researchers and external experts write about their experience and views in the five focus topics climate change, energy, world food systems, cities of the future and natural resources. The Intranet News and Service information provided on the ETH Intranet keep ETH members informed (via their nethz login) about all aspects of employment, organisation and events at ETH. It is possible to subscribe to Newsletters in German or English for the ETH News and Zukunftsblog as well as the Intranet News. And for while you’re on the move, the ETH App, available for the iOS, Android and Windows platforms, guarantees that you will always be kept up-to-date.

Overview – ETH Zurich on social media:

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