Globe: Everything under control

The technical systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated. In order to exploit the full potential of technology, however, efficient control systems are needed. Entitled “Everything under control”, the newest issue of Globe, the magazine of ETH Zurich and ETH Alumni, explores this topic.

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Insight into the new "Globe" magazine. (Photo: ETH Zurich)

Researchers at ETH Zurich are working on control systems in a wide range of fields: not only are they developing adaptable houses, machines that are capable of learning and flexible power grids, but also they are also progressing in the area of active prosthetics, automatic surgical aids and nanorobots that deliver drugs with pinpoint precision inside the human body.

Take a stroll with Globe author Peter Rüegg to the new Monte Rosa Hut for a glance at the sophisticated control of this building’s technical equipment. With a forward-looking energy management system the declared aim was to achieve a 90 percent energy self-sufficiency (excluding cooking energy). At first this target was missed – as the headlines of some newspapers reported. Meanwhile ETH researchers have solved the teething problems of the hut.

In recognition of Swiss Re’s 150 Years Anniversary, Globe portrays the company’s CEO Michel Liès who completed a degree in mathematics at ETH Zurich roughly 40 years ago and is now controlling the fate of the world’s second-largest reinsurance company.

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