Offers for researchers

This page is intended for ETH researchers seeking contacts in politics and administration, those interested in science-based policy advice or those with questions on this topic

Dialogue between science and policy

ETH Zurich serves society through research, teaching, and knowledge transfer.

Knowledge transfer also encompasses the collaboration of researchers with political decision-makers with the aim that policies and political decisions are based on the best available scientific evidence.

Therefore, ETH Zurich encourages its community to engage with political decision-makers, be receptive to their interests and needs, and provide expert assessments on socially relevant issues

Programmes and Courses at the Intersection of Science and Policy

ETH Zurich offers a diverse range of study and continuing education programmes as well as courses and workshops at the intersection of science and policy. These are tailored to the needs of different target groups, including researchers and students.

You can find an overview here.

The ETH Zurich Guidelines on Science-Policy Engagement

The ETH Zurich guidelines on science-policy engagement provide guidance based on best practices for members of ETH Zurich who are engaged or plan to engage at the interface between science with policy.

Learn more about the guidelines.

The Science-Policy Interface of ETH Zurich

The Science-?Policy Interface unit is the central contact point for science-policy engagement, including scientific policy advice, at ETH Zurich.

Our services for researchers:

SPI offers for researchers
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