Collaborate at Innovation Park Zurich

ETH Hangar

  • Innovation hub connecting industry and academia?
  • Project-based collaboration?
  • Focus on both education and technology transfer?
  • Vast testing ground and unique workshops?
  • Connecting talent with industry?
A visualisation of Halls 2 and 3 with new technical building following interior refit and exterior renovation. (Visualisation: KCAP)

Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich

ETH Hangar is based in the Switzerland Innovation Park Zurich.

At the Innovation Park, on the area of the Dübendorf airfield, a platform for research, development and innovation is established to foster the collaboration and knowledge transfer of universities and research institutions with national and international industry.?

Find out more about the Innovation Park external pagehere.

Projects at ETH Hangar

Student Teams


The external pageAcademic Motorsports Club Zurich (AMZ) develops fully electric racecars that compete at different ?Formula Student“ competitions in Europe every year. AMZ further develops driverless racecars.?


The external pageAcademic Space Initiative Switzerland (ARIS) brings together students fascinated by space. The projects include the design and development of rockets, rocket engines, satellites and unmanned underwater vehicles. The sounding rockets compete at international competitions (Spaceport America Cup in New Mexico, USA, and European Rocketry Challenge in Ponte de Sor, Portugal).


Since 2020, external pageCellsius' projects have dealt with the development of a 4-seat electric aircraft (e-Sling), which had its maiden flight in September 2022. Another objective is to research and test other powertrains. For example, they have been engaged in the development of a fuel cell system since 2021. This hydrogen powertrain is to be integrated into a new small aircraft in the future.?


external pageSwissloop researches and develops Hyperloop technology, in addition to investigating its application in practice. Each year, the team competes in the international Hyperloop Pod Competition with their self-developed transport capsules (?pods“). One of the team‘s goals, apart from further developing the technology and gaining practical experience from technical and operational aspects is to raise public awareness of the Hyperloop concept and its impact on everyday life and mobility in the future.?

WaveLab (D-ERDW)

WaveLab is a unique platform for immersive wave experimentation and is the next generation in physical acoustic laboratories. It has the ability to completely immerse a physical experiment in a numerical environment in real time, and the two domains interact and drive each other.


Do you have questions or would like to find out more about ETH Hangar?

Contact Cyril Kubr, .

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